How to Lead if Everyone is Out of Office


The latest turmoil around Coronavirus has left organizations across the world ready to make part of their workforce – temporarily – remote. In this white paper, we will explore what the Out Of Office era means for us at work, at home, and what will continue to drive and enable it. We will also explore…

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Your Brain Likes to Learn… With Feeling!

Learn with Feeling

Our emotions are inseparable from our capacity to learn and develop. Therefore, we decided to look at the neurological cross between learning processes and how we feel. In our first Podcast Episode “The Brain, cradle of the learning processes”, neuroscientist Marie Lacroix explains how our brain learns, creates, keeps and retrieves memories. We can actively support…

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Spaced Learning – How To Use The Spacing Effect In Your Company

Spaced Learning

Extraordinary progress in neuroscience is teaching us more about our brains than ever before. But despite our growing preoccupation with productivity and efficiency, most of us haven’t changed our learning habits. So, we decided to ask a neuroscientist how to become better learners. In our first Podcast Episode we spoke to Marie Lacroix, Co-Founder of Cog’X,…

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Experience is the Heart of our Learning Brain

experiential and learning

Einstein perfectly described what neuroscience tells us today: “Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.” Here is why Experiential Learning is the closest we get to perfect learning conditions for the human brain. Neuroscience has unveiled many secrets about our brain: How it learns more efficiently, for example, or how our emotions and our cognitive abilities…

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