Why Your Organization Should Foster a Culture of Appreciation

Culture of Appreciation

Maintaining team well-being is an essential quality of any effective L&D leader. Maintaining team well-being is an essential quality of any effective L&D leader. By developing a culture of appreciation in the workplace, individuals gain a sense of belonging that allows them spark creativity, hone in on innovation and provide valuable insights to their team…

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A Blind Long Jumper’s 10 Inspirational Leadership Insights

Inspirational Leadership Insights

At the age of 8, Lex Gillette learned that one day soon, he’d be permanently blind and his life would be altered forever. At the age of 8, Lex Gillette learned that one day soon, he’d be permanently blind and his life would be altered forever. Months earlier, after getting out of his bath one…

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Resilient Leadership Quiz- How Resilient Are You?

Resilient Leadership Quiz

Willingness to take risks and learn from failure are just some of the traits of resilient leaders. Challenges and setbacks will happen. The ability to lead through these difficult times with flexibility, adaptability and willpower is essential. Without resilient leadership, leaders may get stuck and fail to see these situations as opportunities for learning and…

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