Growth Mindset Quiz – Is Your Mindset Fixed Or Growth?

Do you know if you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? A growth mindset is a positive way of thinking that relies on learning and consistency to reach your goals. Although growth can be painful, it’s the key to success.
A fixed mindset, on the other hand, keeps you confined within predetermined limitations. For example, you might often self-reject, telling yourself you’re not skilled enough for that position or this promotion. Although having a fixed mindset can feel safe, it ultimately limits your growth.
Do You Have a Growth or Fixed Mindset?
In this 15-question quiz, you’ll be able to determine whether you have a more fixed or growth mindset. It’s important to answer each question honestly so that you’ll have an accurate assessment of your mindset.
Who Is Our Quiz Designed For?
This quiz is for anyone who wants to learn more about developing a growth mindset. Through taking this quiz, you will be able to measure where you’re currently at and can start working on opening up to new challenges and enacting lasting, positive change. The scores provide insight on how you can evolve your growth mindset – and work on combating a fixed mindset – by pointing towards the tools and skills needed to learn from mistakes and succeed in the workplace.
I am an optimistic person, and I have the potential to achieve my goals.
I was born with a certain amount of intelligence, and I can’t improve myself further.
I love to learn new things, and it improves my level of intelligence.
I believe people who are best at a particular skill are born with a higher level of natural ability.
If I stay focused, work harder and smarter, I can become the best at the particular skill regardless of natural ability.
Learning is a lifelong pursuit, and there’s always something new to learn at every moment.
I don’t limit myself to any opportunity that is for my personal or professional growth.
I love to take on challenges and perform my best in every situation.
I learn from my mistakes rather than feel guilty about them.
Everyone is born with natural talents and abilities; it’s hard to compete with natural talent.
I train and support others which also gives me opportunities to get better at something.
I plan for the best and worst-case scenarios before a big event.
I’m very aware of my unique strengths and areas for improvement.
I’m not afraid to admit when I’ve made a mistake and work to correct it.
If I fail a few times at something, I usually move on and call it quits.
Growth vs Fixed Mindset Quiz Scores
If your score is between 0 – 15: We have some work to do! It’s time to put in the work.
We have good news and bad news—the bad news is that you have a strong fixed mindset that could be impacting your success and happiness. The good news is that research shows you can work to change it. Remember that even if you aren’t naturally good at something, with practice and dedication, you can always improve.
If your score is between 16 – 34.75: You have some signs of a growth mindset, but there’s still work to do.
Part of your mind is still stuck in the old way of thinking, “Don’t try to be something you’re not.” But another part of you is starting to believe that you can develop great skills if you keep trying at something. So keep up the positive thinking and consistent effort. Eventually, you’ll have a strong growth mindset.
If your score is between 35 – 53.75: You have a good growth mindset, but you still hold onto some fixed ideas.
Pat yourself on the back! You’ve developed a good growth mindset and see that talent is simply a starting point. You know that with hard work and dedication, you can accomplish anything you set out to do. But, a part of you still doubts how far you can come without natural ability and talent. So, crush your doubts and keep believing in yourself to develop an even stronger growth mindset.
If your score is between 54- 75: Wow! You are the growth mindset powerhouse.
Congratulations, you have a rock-solid growth mindset that helps you accomplish your goals, no matter how ambitious they are. People admire your positive way of thinking, and your can-do attitude is contagious. You’ve tried and failed many times in your life, but the key is that you never give up. Keep up the great work, champion!
Transforming From A Fixed To A Growth Mindset
Initially developing a growth mindset might feel difficult and even intimidating. If you’re worried that you’re too stuck in your ways and are unable to change, science says otherwise: concepts like neuroplasticity prove that humans are constantly adapting and changing. Therefore, it’s important to become mindful of moments of self-doubt and insecurity, and to combat these negative or self-deprecating thoughts with an open, self-compassionate response instead.
And remember, it’s not an overnight process; developing a growth mindset becomes easier with time and practice.

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The Importance Of A Growth Mindset In The Workplace
Having a growth mindset over a fixed mindset is important in many areas of life, but it is vital in the workplace. A growth mindset means expanding your understanding of what it is to make a mistake, and what it is to learn. The growth mindset leads to a better way of working by building your self-esteem and helping you become more empathetic, not only towards yourself, but towards your teammates too. By having self-compassion and a can-do attitude when challenges arise – rather than reacting based on a lack of self-belief – you can develop the skills needed to succeed both individually and as a team player.
Ultimately, the growth mindset will benefit your overall well-being. Failure is difficult, however once you start reframing negativity into an opportunity for growth, you can discover that criticism, challenges and setbacks in the workplace are in fact learning curves that will lead to more success.
After taking this growth mindset quiz, you’re now more aware of your growth or fixed mindset. This assessment is purely for illustrative purposes to help you self-reflect and identify areas for improvement. No matter where you are on the scale, remember that anyone can develop a better mindset with consistent effort and commitment.
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