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Innovative Training Delivery Methods for Forward-Thinking Organizations

training delivery methods

Training and learning development are critical in any high-functioning organization. However, training delivery methods can become stale and ineffective, especially for established businesses repeating their usual habits and traditions. Keeping staff engaged and up to date with the latest tools and technology can feel overwhelming, but positioning your team ahead of the curve has enormous potential for business growth.

In this article, we will explore how embracing the innovative training delivery methods of a forward-thinking organization can nurture organizational growth and long-term success. From connecting with hundreds of team members worldwide via video calling to creating real-life simulations through virtual reality, the opportunities for transformative, highly effective training are endless.

A Look at Different Training Delivery Methods

There are a whole host of training methods available to learners today. Because all organizations are unique, there is no one-size-fits-all method. This is even more true when broken down into business units or departments within that same organization. While it is up to business leaders to pick and choose the best delivery methods for their company, here are a few of the most successful training processes for optimizing organizational success.

Experiential Learning Through Learning Expeditions

Based on David A. Kolb’s research, experiential learning is the process by which learners “learn by doing.” By combining immersive experiences and encounters with times dedicated to reflection and conversations, students take the knowledge they gained from real-life experiences and apply it practically to problems they are facing, making the learning last longer than in the traditional classroom environment..

Our Learning Expeditions employ experiential learning by connecting organizations to their surrounding business ecosystem, investigating the challenges leaders and employees face currently. Then, we create a plan for participants to put their experiences from these exchanges into concrete action.

Custom Development Programs

If a Learning Expedition breaks the surface of an organization’s challenges, then a Development Program dives deeper into the core issues. With a broadened awareness of the intricacies of an organization, leaders prepare to create long-term, scalable change in their teammates and employees. We work with our clients to create tailor-made development programs so that they can identify and remove obstacles to their success. From there, leaders can maximize these learnings across their organization to mobilize change.

eLearning, Virtual Learning, and Hybrid Training

Ongoing advances in digital technology are encouraging a massive adoption of digital tools and remote work, as well as numerous advantages in digital training. In contrast to this, there is a renewed desire for face-to-face interactions, with a growing number of employees pushing back on digital formats. These recent tensions between in-person and virtual formats have led to hybrid formats becoming the dominant model, offering both social dynamics and flexibility in learning. We investigate the benefits and risks of virtual and hybrid formats in our recent report, The Future of L&D 2024.

Learning Delivery Through Gamification

Gaming has really taken the business industry by storm in the past few years. According to the Gamification Global Market Report, the global gamification market grew from $14.87 billion in 2022 to $18.63 billion in 2023. 

The perception of gaming has also been turned on its head, as leaders continue to explore the potential of gaming beyond entertainment. Incorporating gaming as a learning management system (LMS) into organizational training has become a strong vehicle for learning. It brings in elements of fun and interactivity, a competitive element and can create a learning environment that doesn’t feel like work.

Through Simulation Using VR and AR

Simulation training created through virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) replicate scenarios in real-time that enhance team member motivation. By introducing people to new ways of learning and engaging with information, simulation learning has the power to ‘ignite the fire within’ and breathe new life into learning. VR and AR learning also encourage competition among employees, as it requires teamwork and active participation. 

Giving team members the opportunity to put their training into action virtually, through role-playing, allows them to immerse themselves in exercises and learn through safe trial and error. Certain types of simulation learning, like working with hazardous materials, can make up for training that can be too risky to carry out in real life. However, it is important to measure the effectiveness of simulation training to avoid being blinded by the wow-factor of the exercise without generating results. 

WDHB has seen the benefits of learning delivery through gamification, particularly during our long-standing relationship with L’Oréal. The company’s desire to build digital into their DNA expanded into a more fundamental overhaul of the organization’s thinking – around how to respond to the various evolutions observed in customers, markets, technologies, employees and practices. From this, L’OréalCon was born, a Learning Expedition that helped launch L’Oreal into the digital space and position them as a trailblazer in their field.

Learning and Development Consulting 

Sometimes, when you have a strong existing learning culture in your organization, you just need someone to collaborate with you on your vision. Learning and Development Consulting can support learning organizations, co-create powerful corporate training agendas and design comprehensive and impactful learning curriculums. From building trust to the sharing of knowledge, encouraging openness and boosting employee confidence, the benefits of consulting services are endless. 

Selecting the Best Training Delivery Methods for Your Organization

Businesses are made up of an eclectic mix of personalities, demographics and learning styles. Training delivery methods need to reflect the uniqueness of organizations to be effective. For example, while virtual instructor-led training (VILT) may work for some groups, it may not for others. VILT could be a cost-effective option for big businesses that have staff working across the globe, but less effective for a smaller team that spends most days in the office together. Here are some of the crucial factors you need to consider when deciding on the best training delivery method for your organization.

Know Your Learning Objectives

Having a set of objectives you want to achieve from training material can inform what delivery method is most appropriate for your organization. Coming up with a set of learning objectives requires identifying where the business’s strengths and weaknesses lie, and how training to improve these fits into the company’s overall strategy.  Leaders should question what they want their employees to get out of the learning experience modules, what changes they expect it to make, how it will impact employee retention, and if there is a genuine need for upskilling – time management, communication or otherwise. 

Understand Who The Training is For

Different generations are going to benefit from different methods and training delivery systems. Baby boomers have entirely contrasting life experience, different learning styles, values and viewpoints than millennials or Gen Z; therefore the same training method is unlikely to work for both groups. Knowing your audience and understanding who the training is for is key to generating effective change.

Consider Budget and Resources

There is no arguing that investing in innovative training is a smart choice for leaders. However, it is important to consider where you are at as a business. No training is worth over-stretching your resources or your budget so finding a format that is cost-effective and practical is a must. It’s also important to consider organizational goals, like environmental impact and desired impact of the learning on the organization. AI might be an innovative new tool, but the energy cost is great. Additionally, adopting new tools for the sake of having new technology does not always advance learning goals. Being strategic, intentional and resourceful while having an acute understanding of your learning objectives will always take you farther than the newest delivery method.

Partner With WDHB: Find Your Leadership Training Delivery Method

With the fast-paced nature of the industry, incorporating regular learning and development training into your business strategy will take your organization from functioning to thriving. As demands shift and competition is on the rise, finding a training delivery method that goes beyond cookie-cutter programming is crucial.

At WDHB, we believe that people are the most powerful agents for change and growth. For over 30 years, the impact of compelling stories and memorable hands-on experiences has been at the core of all we do as we partner with clients to create meaningful programs for people and strategy development. Contact us today to start your next learning experience.


Aish Hinton

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